In principle I agree with Audiozen, the A-46 should be able to drive most
speakers and has enough power for most needs. I heard its predecessor,
i.e. A-45 (which has a smaller power supply), driving the B&W 800 and 802
diamonds in a very large room at very loud level (much louder than any
same person would listen at home). The A-45 had full control over the
woofers of the 802 and 800 diamonds speakers. However, 45 watts are 45
watts. That is, if one listens to very dynamic music, e.g. large orchestras
and/or jazz big bands, at loud levels, e.g. 90 dB or more, in a large room
with inefficient speakers, he/she may find that A-46 is not powerful
enough. You do not want your A-46 to be clipping all the time.
When I bought my E-550 integrated, I was worried that I may need more
power (in the dealer's room I made it clipped a few times). I've oscillated
between E-450 and E-550. Now, I am glad I bought the better sounding E-
550 as according to the meters I never use more the 10-15 watts.
speakers and has enough power for most needs. I heard its predecessor,
i.e. A-45 (which has a smaller power supply), driving the B&W 800 and 802
diamonds in a very large room at very loud level (much louder than any
same person would listen at home). The A-45 had full control over the
woofers of the 802 and 800 diamonds speakers. However, 45 watts are 45
watts. That is, if one listens to very dynamic music, e.g. large orchestras
and/or jazz big bands, at loud levels, e.g. 90 dB or more, in a large room
with inefficient speakers, he/she may find that A-46 is not powerful
enough. You do not want your A-46 to be clipping all the time.
When I bought my E-550 integrated, I was worried that I may need more
power (in the dealer's room I made it clipped a few times). I've oscillated
between E-450 and E-550. Now, I am glad I bought the better sounding E-
550 as according to the meters I never use more the 10-15 watts.