ARC's new REF-75

I read Paul Bolin's review of the new REF-75 in AudioBeat and was really taken by it. So, this past weekend I drove down to Newport Beach and attended The S.H.O.W. to take a listen. In spite of the room being a bit bright, I could clearly hear the advantages this amp offers.

The REF-75 is physically beautiful with a kind of retro look. Must have been the meters. I love the looks of this amp! I placed my hand on top of the amp and it was barely warm to the touch. It runs really cool in spite of not having fans. Another advantage ... no fans ... no fan noise.

Right off the bat, the REF-75 was so grain-less, it was simply amazing. The sound comes out of a perfectly black background and the inner detail is amazing with great decay on vocals and simple instrumentals. I love classical guitar and small jazz groups, so this is right up my alley. Vocals were amazingly clear and realistic as well because of the lack of grain. Separation of instruments is another VERY strong point of the REF-75, adding realism to orchestral music. Tonality is one of the first things I listen for ... and this amp is right up there with the best of the ARC amps, including the big REF Monos. The demonstration was made using Wilson Shasha speakers ... 87db, and the meters hardly moved at all even while listening to full orchestral music. The darned thing just coasted no matter what was thrown at it. So, dynamics are terrific ... the amp supposedly uses the same power supply as that in the REF-110, so that would account for the dynamics and particularly good bass punch and depth. Huge sound stage as well. Width, depth and height were more than expected ... in fact, huge in every way.

The REF-75 I listened to at the SHOW was a prototype, but based upon what I heard, I'm buying one later this month. I've owned and/or listened to a lot of ARC amps over the years, and I can say without reservations, that this is one of the very best amps ARC has ever done. The release date is toward the end of June and the retail price is scheduled to be $9,000.00 US. Oh, and if you own a REF-110 ... sell it quick!

As a further note, I visited the Optimal Enchantment room and auditioned the new ARC REF-250 mono blocks. Randy Cooley, the owner of Optimal Enchantment, had the system set up in a suite and really had the system/room dialed in. Randy always has a great demo and has an impeccable taste in music. What I heard in Randy's room this year was simply magic. It had me shaking my head in disbelief wondering how much more information could still be hiding in those record grooves. Was it better than what I heard in the room that demoed the REF-75? Ahem ... it was, after all, Randy Cooley's room. :>)
Sorry Kana ... I got you and 213cobra mixed up in my latest post. My apologies to both of you. Gee, I think I'm blushing a bit. :>)
I have to agree with 213cobra. Never heard anyone articulate their view better and completely agree that the ARC, Wilson etc... Just make HiFi equipment not music producing equipment.

I heard an all ARC ref system recently and after the initial first moment of "wow" I left confused as to why anyone would spend that kind of money for no tonal quality what so ever.
Different strokes for different folks. Try as I might to understand why people like Zu speakers, they have never impressed me at shows or dealers even when paired up with the likes of Shindo which I do like very much. But I do believe D'agostino, ARC and various Lamm amps paired with ARC or Spectral preamps and Wilson speakers sound glorious and true to life in most aspects of musical reproduction. That's just me. I also think very highly of the entire ARC Ref line. Oregonpapa---I think you hear what I hear. Enjoy the new Ref 75.
Thanks for the kind comments, Gpgr ...

I now have 150 hours on the Ref-75. My initial impressions of the amp were typical of every piece of ARC REF gear I've had ... An improvement over the equipment it replaced, but still in need of a lot of improvment. Its to be expected as the caps need a total of 500 hours to comlpletly break in, with the amp starting to come into its own at around 250 hours. At 50 hours, the midrange clarity was something I've never heard in my system ... amazing. At 75 hours, ditto for the highs. At 150 hours, the bass is still the weakest point, but natual sounding, non the less. My trusted source at ARC tells me that I haven't heard the amp until 250 hours, at which time, I will be hearing the best bass from any tube amp that he's heard, except for maybe the Ref-250s. So, at 150 hours, what am I hearing? An entirely new record collection. Old favorites have new life. Mono jazz fills the room. If you know Bruebeck's "Jazz in the USA." Desmond's sax comes alive like never before. On orchestral recordings, the soundstage is huge, and each instrument is articulated in a realistic way. Trios and quartets are in the room. Both female and male vocals have such purity to suspend disbelief. This is the very best midrange I've ever heard from an amp ... and this amp transends tubes and solid state. The sound is neither. It is the best of tubes and the best of solid state. One word to describe it best would be "grainless." Another word would be "purity." And one more ... "musical." And now, onward to 250 hours. Stay tuned. :>)
Oh, and I forgot to add ... With this amp in the system, Digital is worth listening to FINALLY! Who knew? :>)