Gryphon Diablo & Dartzeel CTH-8550

I am looking for a high quality integrated amp in a small room of 18' x 10' x 8'.

On a usage basis, one negative point about the Diablo is that it runs very hot.

Anybody who has compared both amps side-by-side and could comment on it?

Thank you
I guess then the question is whether the Dartzeel is worth the asking price? $20k is not exactly chump change, even if it has an pleasure control.

I think the Dartzeel IS worth it .....
All your answers have been most helpful and I have come to a closure on this thread.

When I first started this thread, I was looking for a high quality intergrated amp and was looking at the Gryphon and Dartzeel. Along the way, there were many excellent suggestions. As I like to play loud, I was interested in something "higher" power, high current (>150W, 8ohm). The Vitus RI-100 caught my attention but I had no chance to try it. I was circling around the Dartzeel, Gryphon and Vitus. Dartzeel was leading the pack.

Coincidentally, a friend who is a YBA fan knew about my amp hunt and found me a very good condition 10 year old six-chassis YBA SIGNATURE amplifier (4 chassis pre-amp + 2 mono-block power amp) way below the prices of a new Gryphon, Dartzeel or Vitus.

I have been very happy with the YBA as it is operating nicely and sounds beautiful. It does not run hot, and could be easily repaired by a good technician should it kaput one day.

I did not buy new this time, didn't contribute to the economy, but I have found an amp that has ticked most of the boxes of my needs, except integrated-one-box-one-power-cord-and-one-less-interconnect. And no remote-control. Oh well! ;)

Thanks, everyone!

I have never heard the YBA signature stuff...but i have heard some of their more basic equipment...congrats!!! That is seriously good stuff, no doubt. And by reputation it is certainly consistent with the sound you have been looking for in Gryphon. Congrats and enjoy!!!

I went thru something simular a few years ago and ended up with a Neodio NR600 Signature. I compared with Diablo in my system and as much as I wanted to like the Diablo the Neodio just sounded better. French made, 100 watts ss. They are hard to find but worth the effort.
Wow, six chassis. I will have to re-look the definition of 'integrated' again. :-)
