low bass on Audio Research LS27

I had an LS26 for awhile. It had a magical midrange and lovely open highs, but for me the low bass was not weighty or extended enough (actually it was pretty anemic for my -3db at 28Hz speakers). I replaced the LS26 with a Krell KCT SS pre, and got the bass I wanted, but that magic on vocals is gone and I miss it. How is the bass on the LS27? Do I need to save for a used Ref 5 to get what I want? Thanks for your input!
I own an LS26 and have heard the LS27 but not in my system. But I have heard the Standard REF5 compared to the LS27 at the dealer and we both agreed that the LS27 is a bargain by comparison. I beleive this proximaty in performance was the catalyst behind the release of the REF5-SE. I have been told that there will not be an LS27-SE. I think sometimes the manufactures surprise themselves.
As far as your question on the bass on the 27 vs. the 26, I can only speculate it would be better. The new power supply on the 27 should be able to deliver in times in transient need. I want an LS27 for myself but so far when I stand on the corner with my sign "please donate for my LS27" I get strange looks and an occasional nickel.....
No, there are things that can be done to the LS-26 to improve the bass. You can email me if you like by looking up my screen name info.
Or you can connect a powered sub as long as its bass is natural and musical. This can provide the needed low-end and preserve the all important midrange. I thought my solid state preamp was bass shy until I connected it to a PSE amp. Wow, the low-end improved tremendously. So sometimes it is not always the preamp's fault.