Amp for Sonus Faber Cremoma M

I am looking to upgrade my amp for the mains to improve my 2 channel sound. I currently have an Emotiva XPA5 that I will continue to use for the center and rears when listening to concert DVD's or Sacd's

I am considering Emotiva XPA1 Mono Blocks @ 500 per channel / 1000 into 4 ohms for $2000.

Would I get better sound buying a higher end amp used,for example a Pass Labs x250.5, McIntosh MC205 or Krell Kav3250 which would also run my center for SACD's?

I appreciate the input as I have found that it is very difficult to demo amps side by side with the same speakers / electronics.
Good choice of amps. i have owned/lived with SF speakers for many years. you've a great one there, too. I have heard many good things about Emotiva but not heard it myself.

i am tempted to rank in personal choice: Pass, Mc, Krell mainly from the many, many people who've spoken about Pass & Mc and SF speakers. I have heard Krell Kav...nice but not sure it is up to the level of Pass 250.5. (And i quite like the big krells with SF Cremona).

sorry not very helpful but thought i'd post as i saw there were no posts yet. good luck. Nice choices.
I've posted this several times, but here goes again. When I first got into Sonus Faber speakers, my dealer recommended Pathos. He carried other brand he could have recommended, but he felt Pathos and Sonus Faber interfaced well. Well, I mono-blocked two Pathos ones with Concertos. A year ago I upgraded to Cremora M's and am still very happy with the Pathi. I've upgraded the tubes abit and think I have a great combo. Both products are made in Italy.
good to know...i'll keep that in mind for future reference, Rudge. Local dealer does sell both.
I thank you for the responses.

They are very helpful in helping select which direction to go.

I am really unfamiliar with tubes.

Can they be incorporated with solid state when running 5.1 for sacd's, concert dvd's and movies?

You can use tubes for your 2 front speakers and a 3-channel amp for your center and rears. When you listen to 2-channel stereo...just turn on the tube amp. The key you will need to focus on is the difference in setting up your 5.1 digital process to adjust for the different amps. I do not have 5.1 and have never set one up...but imagine a 5.1 processor today should provide you with flexibility to manage the output to each channel to adjust for the power/performance of the 2 different amps.

howver, what it will NOT adjust for the fact you may find the tube amp provides a different sound from your center and rears...which might cause an imbalance...or perhaps you will not have to try it to hear for yourself. Personally, if liked tubes for my 2-channel, i would stick with that and run SS 3-channel for side/rear.

Hope that helps. good luck.