dedicated power line for audio equipment

I am in the process of building a new house. I was wondering if any of you have installed a dedicated powerline for your audio equipment. If you have, what type of line is it? would it need to be a 30amp line? Thanks in advance...

I have total of 6 dedicated lines. 2 are at 30A, 4are at 20A. All are wired using 10gauge romex. Very happy with the result. I recommend using ps audio soloist or something similar. You will not regret this upgrade. Good luck.
We are building a new home and I was definitely going with dedicated 20 amp connections, but hadn't thought about using the 10/2 Romex. Thanks Andy for the thread and everyone who has commented!
Dont use anything less than 10/2 romex,cerrowire.Bryonc's, nice stuff($).I dont know that theres any differance between 10/2 romex or cerrowire.The 10/2 provides the current though.
Cryogenically treated wire may be a good suggestion but consider the fact that the wire is most likely cryo treated in a spool - when this is un-spooled you will eliminate at least some of the effect of the cryo treating.

Good luck

I have three dedicated 20 amp circuits, one for each amp and one for the front end/rack components. From the panel I use three JPS Labs In-Wall cables terminated directly into Furutech IEC connectors bypassing outlets/connections completely. Two are plugged into the amps directly and the third goes into an Equi=Tech balanced power device which then supplies power to turntable and pre amps. This is a very direct, quiet solution.