Best Cart for Delphi VI with SME V tonearm

My Oracle Delphi VI Turntable will arrive a week from now with SME V tonearm.
I am now hunting for a new cart to replace my 3 years old ortofon a90 which i have used for my Michell Orbe with sme v arm for 3 years also.

My system is Dynaudio Temptation , Pass Labs Xa 100.5 power amp , Modwright 36.5 DM tube preamp and Avid Pulsare phonstage with Transparent Ultra Cables and Voodo Power Chords.

My shortlist are :

Lyra Kleos
Air Tight PC 3
Dynavector XV1s
Ortofon Mc Anna
Air Tight PC 1

Other suggestions and comments are welcome.
Thanks for your preference for the Kleos. I have not heard any Lyra cart to date.
Can anyone please describe the Kleos sound character ? Is it on the warm side or on the bright side ?

A new contender cart Transfiguration Phoenix is also on my mind.

The review of Delphi VI says its strength is in the midrange up and the upper bass and lower mids are a little lightweight according to JV of Absolute Sound.

Though , the kleos and phoenix is not on the same category of my A90 in terms of price i don't consider it as a downgrade and Im more concerned on the synergy.
Kleos and SME will give you newtral side(or slightly forward presentation) plus excellent tracking abilities.
Thanks Marakenetz. Other suggestions and opinions are welcome and greatly appreciated.