Best Cart for Delphi VI with SME V tonearm

My Oracle Delphi VI Turntable will arrive a week from now with SME V tonearm.
I am now hunting for a new cart to replace my 3 years old ortofon a90 which i have used for my Michell Orbe with sme v arm for 3 years also.

My system is Dynaudio Temptation , Pass Labs Xa 100.5 power amp , Modwright 36.5 DM tube preamp and Avid Pulsare phonstage with Transparent Ultra Cables and Voodo Power Chords.

My shortlist are :

Lyra Kleos
Air Tight PC 3
Dynavector XV1s
Ortofon Mc Anna
Air Tight PC 1

Other suggestions and comments are welcome.
You have point Dover. I will consider the KOETSU BLACK also as an option for more body sound paired w Delphi VI.
Koetsu Black is classic cartridge higher priced than Kleos but doesn't sound as an improvement over Kleos IMHO.
Marakanetz, it is all about synergy. You may well be right in another system, but I know from experience the Koetsu is a very good match for the Oracle. The cartridges above are all excellent but I wouldn't call any of them full bodied. Of the cartridges mentioned I would rather go for the Air Tight PC1, though it is much more expensive.
I used to use an Air Tight PC1 on my SME V. It was well balanced with good body and weight, and plenty of detail. Not as lean and ultra detailed as some and not as warm and forgiving as others. It struck a good balance. I found it to be an excellent match with that arm. I have since upgraded to a Supreme on an SME V-12.

I'm curious, if you have an expensive cartridge on your list like the Ortofon Anna, why not consider the Air Tight Supreme or the Lyra Atlas? Your list has quite a range of prices.