Power conditioning for digital gear AND tube amp?

My system is a 125w KT88 tube integrated amp and digital sources w/ a tubed DAC...
What type of power conditioning should I go for???

Ayon Triton amp
PS Audio PWT transport & modded SqueezeBox Touch sources
AMR dac
Daedalus Ulysses speaks
From the TESLA Plex SE receptacle (via power cables in series at each stage, including Bybee purifiers):

1. Medical grade isolation transformer.
2. Into Synergistic Research PowerCell 10SE.
3. Into Bybee Stealth conditioner (for amp, etc.).
4. Into Monarchy AC regenerator for DAC and transport.

Results: totally amazing. The isolation transformer and Monarchy AC regenerator have taken my system to a much higher level -- a level not attained with the SR and Bybee conditioners alone.

Although the 2 conditioners brought significant improvements to the sound and have excellent synergy it was only the addition of the 2 former components -- at a small fraction of the price of the conditioners -- that brought the sound to its full holographic potential.

My conclusion: some conditioners are way overpriced for the sonic benefits they deliver. Some components are underrated and can therefore be bought at knock-down prices -- a rare event in high end Audioland, in my experience. This has been a real ear and eye opener for me.
I have a very similar setup to yours, Ayon Triton and a DAC off the same power conditioner. My BPT BP-3.5 has worked very well. I'd say my soundstage shrinks by 30% in all dimensions when I take it out of the system, and everything just sounds slower and less defined. Chris is great for giving advice based on your particular setup, give him a call.
I use a Toruspower power line isolation device. It's amazing pure and simple. Isolates all the power line garbage by at least 60dB, and does not current limit, an issue with some regeneration devices. It also isolates between each hospital grade outlet. My Pioneer Kuro Plasma looks amazing and my audio gear sounds a lot better.
Is the 60dB an estimate or have you measured it? I am curious about the dB in my system but I don't know how to quantify this.