Anyone have experience with both of these amps? I know the original VT used all tube drivers and the later models used transistor drivers which changed the sound and the VM is the later amp but how do they compare sound wise?
I have heard both of these amps, I prefer and bought the VM220 mono's and switched out the 6550"winged C" with the Tung Sol KT120's. It is a warmer sounding amp than VT and with the upgrade to 120's quicker and better slam in the lower ends. paired with the ARC mk25 pre amp and vandy wood quarto's
I just got done repairing a VT200. It's a brute. You were wise to go to the mono blocks although I don't know if the VM220's are on the ARC list of amps that can use the KT120's. If they are, good choice, if not, good luck.
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