Jeff Rowland Preamps

In the 90's I owned the Consummate Preamp, I sold it and I missed the later Designs. A few times I listened to Synergy Preamp at Demos but at that time there were so many different Rowland amps launched it was hard to say what was really going on. From my memory I think, in the 90's the Rowland sound was unique compared to others, what is going on today? Question to - current or former - Owners, what's your opinion about the Preamp models you use?
Hi Syntax, I have been using the Rowland Criterion linestage for a few years now.... Feeding Rowland M312, M625, M725, and now Rowland M925 as of last week. After all this time I am still in love with Criterion for its exquisite resolution and musicality without any inherent granularity. TO make a very long story short, Criterion replaced a Rowland Capri, which in turn I prefered over the ARC REF 3.

There is a relatively hefty thread here on Audiogon that discusses Criterion and some of my observations on its sound:

If anyone is interested in following my new break-in adventure of the Rowland M925 monos driven by Criterion, I am keeping a diary of sort at:

Regarding the upcoming supercapacitor-based external Rowland power supply, it will be compatible with Corus and Aeris, but not with Criterion.... Availability is expected by the end of 2013... Yes, the product is late.

Hi Marty, interesting that you mentioned the treble region of the new Capri 2. I am also interested in this preamp but hesitant as reviews generally conclude that Rowland treble is a bit reticent rather than wide open (my Model 112 exhibits this tendency as well, though mitigated somewhat with various tweaks). Since I'm now an old(ish) audiogeek (when did that happen?) my upper range hearing is not what it used to be, and reticent is not what I need. So, when you talk about the treble being a big improvement in sound, can you explain that a bit more and perhaps lessen my concern?
Butler, My hearing has also droped off through the years, I listen to classical music often and the lower treble region is where I notice treble to be slightly fuzzy or grainy, and sometimes even aggresive, in most recordings. The addition of the Capri 2 has improved this region, the combination of the 625 amplifier and the Capri 2 are one of the best sounds I have had in this room that I have been in for 20 years, that includes some very expensive components.
Thanks for the input Marty. Looking at your systems page, you certainly have experience with some VERY expensive and well-thought of components, so it is high praise that the Capri 2 holds it's own in that company. I was going to wait till the RMAF this fall to check it out (along with the new 525 and 625/725), but now anxious to do so over the long hot summer.