
Hi everybody,
about a year ago I bought a FPB-XXX cx by Krell as second hand unit from ufficial distributer.
It sound great and drives my speakers the way I was expecting from a Krell.
But.... had a surprise! one day opening the top cover I noticed that the left Assembly of my FPB-XXX cx were used the usual blue 8 capacitors, while in the right assembly al capacitor were black (different brand)!
Had an answer from Krell it says......"are
original and factory installed. Assembly of this FPB-XXX cx was during a
transition period where we were phasing out of blue capacitors and
incorporating black capacitors which have the same value and specifications"......I'm sorry this is unbelievable!
Any opinion?
A disappointed!
So your amp meets factory specs. Quit you whining and enjoy it!

What do you care what color the caps are??
It would matter if the quality of the two different cap had different sounds, matched Cap specs don't always predict matched sound. I read of people using "better" sounding caps to modify their amps while adhering closely to the original specs. I have even heard of Capacitor comparison shootouts.
In this case if you couldn't hear a difference, then the two cap types have comparably close sonics by definition (to your ears anyway). Thus they are nothing to worry about. If you have an open or see through cover then aesthetically it may matter to you, and many of us want gear that looks good and sounds good too.
Sounds like a electrolytic power supply capacitor - sincerely doubt if you have anything to worry about, if installed originally by Krell I'm sure they meet spec. most of these come in standard values and sizes from many different manufactures.

Mechans the capacitor shootouts you are referring too are about capacitors for speaker crossovers and maybe coupling capacitors etc for tube amps and the best of them can be found here.


As always

Good Listening
