Decent preamp to match my modest system?

I have a pair of 1980 vintage Cornwalls with Crites tweeters and ALK networks, and I alternate between 6V6 and PP EL84 Magnavox console pull amps. Front end is a Denon DP-52F turntable with a Denon DL-103 and Cinemag-based SUT.

I've had a Superphon Revelation, Accuphase C200 and an Audible Illusions 2C. All three had their pluses and minuses, though I liked the Superphon's sound the best *except* for the outboard transformer buzz I could never conquer. I'm not religious about tube vs. solid state. I'm half tempted to just scratch build a Joe Esmilla-ish tube preamp, but I can be persuaded to try anything, even a cheap '80s Japanese box, if the sound is good.

Any ideas?
Conrad Johnson PV-10AL. Simple unit, only two tubes, very enjoyable, non-fatiguing. There's a used one on Audiogon now, and they turn up fairly regularly.
Thanks. I've considered both of those options. A new Mapletree phono preamp is likely my next purchase.