the best 'tubey amp - warm,smooth,liquid' ?

i'm using the word 'tube' as the meaning of warm,smooth and liquid sound.
but i could't compare to some tube amps like mcintosh(mc275), cary(cad 805), arc(vs115) and conrad-johnson(premier) at one place and the same time.
some say mcintosh lean, cary weak and not bloom, arc not tubey and cj no clarity.
i need your experiences and advices.
actually i have a difficulty to match speaker systems with.
zabiaud apologies..I stand corrected. "You need not deal with Canada in any way, shape or form?"..whats this?..Buy from America only? How racist!!..I'm certain that your Audio system has separates from Japan and Europe.
Besides, the Trelja website has no phone number listed and has no online order form and no product listings. Its just a blank white page with no descriptions whatsoever. Not very professional for a "premier vendor".
Audiozen, "Besides, the Trelja website has no phone number listed and has no online order form and no product listings. Its just a blank white page with no descriptions whatsoever. Not very professional for a "premier vendor"."

I'm sorry, but allow me to clarify, please. That is NOT my website. Not sure what that website is, other than to say it's not mine. I have no affiliation or relationship with any such site as,, or Trelja.anything.
thank you, atmasphere.
your comment on 4 ohm speakers really helped me.
i came to know some relationship btwn gears.
but i still don't understand some about 4 ohm speakers.
can we say 'the big speaker systems like proac d40 or b&w (4ohm) generally don't go well with tube amps'?
need your opinion.
Thanks Trelja for your clarification..I had no offense..I'm glad Audiofeil mentioned your name since your threads and your commitment to reporting on the shows around the country appears to be outstanding.
Yes, thanks Trelja for being the premier vendor of Psvane and Shuguang tubes in North America.

No financial affiliation with his company, just a satisfied customer.