I actually emailed Bobby, as his company is about an hour away from me. He said I would be pleased with the results of the Nad within my price range. The big thing for me is ample bass at low low to moderate listening volumes. I probably should have gone with the tower version, but this version I think can put out the frequency spectrum I desire, I just need to augment the bass for my room. I never understood why so much of the Hi Fi community is willing to spend thousands of dollars on cables for a minor sonic tweak, but the thought of tone controls (everyone has different listening environments and volumes)is.....
I actually emailed Bobby, as his company is about an hour away from me. He said I would be pleased with the results of the Nad within my price range. The big thing for me is ample bass at low low to moderate listening volumes. I probably should have gone with the tower version, but this version I think can put out the frequency spectrum I desire, I just need to augment the bass for my room. I never understood why so much of the Hi Fi community is willing to spend thousands of dollars on cables for a minor sonic tweak, but the thought of tone controls (everyone has different listening environments and volumes)is.....