krell amp and preamp keep for life.....

hi, to all krell fans (i'm one of them) i just bought a set of vintage krell amp and preamp (ksa 50 and pam-1) that are really good sounding. I can't believe when these two items are combine together and they can create magics. Even as of today (30 years later) they are still a champ. So now i would like to know does anybody has a set of krell amp and preamp that they would like to keep for life. ( i have one now, the best part is they are still serviceable )..go krell for life
I think Krell amps and pre amps have a synergy that makes the combination much better than the sum of the parts. I've used various Krell amp and pre amp combinations. Currently I'm using a Phantom III with an FPB 600, the Phantom replaced a KRC-HR. They always please together.

Good listening,
I have the awsome sounding 700cx,I have been counterplating going to a evo or phantom pre-amp,currently I have a cd player-pre-amp one box solution by Ayon that sounds spectacular!cheers