Amp blowing fuses

I have a pair of quicksilver kt-88 monos and one is blowing 3A slo-blo fuses instantly on powerup. I have swapped all the tubes from its mate and looked at the chassis wiring which is discrete, point to point. It looks clean with no hints of overheating or trouble. I've thought about trying a 4A fuse but wanted to get opinions as maybe one of you have had a similar problem... thanks for any help, opinions etc...
I agree with Hifigeek1, and a much higher probability than a transformer shorting.

To save some money, do you know anyone with basic electronics knowledge that owns a multimeter and soldering iron? They could measure the bridge rectifier, transformer, and anything else for shorting. Read the part numbers off any failed component, and order a replacement from many sources, excluding the transformer which would be available from the mfr.

Orrr, take it in for repair. Shouldn't be too costly unless a transformer.

I have a multimeter and a soldering iron but am a bit intimidated by a tube power amp...
Besides unplugging the amp, just make sure to bleed off all capacitors, if they are not already drained off with resistors across the +- posts/leads . Use an insulated handle screwdriver, or insulated wire with both ends pre-stripped 1/4", to short all capacitor leads just to be safe. That *will* resolve any "stored" shock potential.

I assume you know how to measure a bridge rectifier or discrete diodes, etc. If not, report back or google it. Very simple.

No, I guess I could short across the capacitor leads with a screwdriver but have no idea how to measure a bridge rectifier or discrete diodes. Does this require unsoldering?