Old NAD or newer high powered Denon?

I am currently running a NAD 3020 in my main system. I love the amp. When paired with my Sequerra MET7's it sounds great. I also have a pair of Vandersteen 1C's and I am thinking that the NAD's don't have enough power to drive them. I am getting relatively poor sound quality out of the 1C's with the NAD. It closed in and not very dynamic (when compared to the MET7's). I have heard the 1B's in the past and they sounded amazing which is why I initially purchased them.

So my question is: would I gain anything in terms of sound quality of I purchase a higher powered more recent model Denon or am I just hearing the differences between the MET7 and the 1C's?
Hi Hifibear,

I have some experience with Vandersteens, although not any of their Ones. Still, I have a few suggestions.

First I would contact Vandersteen and ask them for minimum recommended amp size based on your room, music, and typical listening levels. Mention your intention to utilize a subwoofer since that can lower the power need from your primary amp. Keep in mind you can usually get by with a lower rated tube amp than SS.

Second, your budget of "as low as I can go to get good sound" is not terribly helpful. Possibly the best you could do for the least money would be to keep your 3020 as a preamp and add an amp such as a Dyna ST-70. That might need new tubes and caps but should cost less than $500. If you are lucky you might find one someone already updated and save on that.

For good sound with Vandy speakers there are some traditional recommendations - Audio Research, c-j, MusicReference, and Quicksilver. Smaller versions of these amps will still cost more than a ST-70 but should be more rewarding.

I'm focusing on tube amps since you mentioned wanting spacious sound.
Thx all! I would love to have a tubed amp but I am thinking it's not practical for me. I have small kids and I can imagine missing tubes.

Any recommendations on a solid state amp?

Regarding budget: $500 max
I friend owns an Exposure 2010S , paid $1400 new, don't think I've heard anything as good under five large, tube or solid state.
I used to like Nad, but there last few generations of gear seem a bit lifeless.
I would look for a higher powered NAD integrated....I have tried the high end Denons and Onkyos.....very thin/clean sound...preamp section doesn't touch robust NAD sound. Oh just a thought..if the 3020 has the preamp out jacks.....do what ever it takes to get a Hafler power amp..later models...with jfet driver stage...like XL280. Problem solved.