Best 2 ch. Amp, for music, under $1k used

My current system consists of:
Classe ssp 25 pre-amp
Musical fidelity v-dac2 with Pangea p-100
Adcom gfa 545
Denon DVD 2900 used to play cd's
Paradigm studio 10 (planned future upgrade to studio 20's)

My question is: what amp would you recommend for my setup? I'm looking for better sound (fuller bass, better imaging, more power for higher volumes and more headroom etc). I'd like to keep it around $1,000, new or used.
By the way, there is a lexicon nt-312 for sale locally for $850. This amp is supposed to be the same as a Bryston 5b-st. Any input is greatly appreciated!
I think you would notice a significant improvement if you moved from the Adcom to the Odyssey Stratos. I did when I made the same move.

If a McCormack DNA 0.5 Rev. A comes up I think it would satisfy all the requirements you listed. Should be right around your price range. Second the Odyssey Stratos recommendation as well. Older versions of the Bryston amps have a reputation for being a little clinical or sterile sounding. When I had one in my system my 0.5 Rev. A demonstrated significanly fuller bass/mids and more overall dynamic impact, which seems more inline with what you're looking for. Hope this helps and best of luck.
There are two Conrad Johnson MF-2250 amps for sale here. I would grab one of them. The prices are in your range.
Agree with Yogilboy. That particular series of Conrad Johnson amps were really special. Colorful, musical, anything but harsh or mechanical sounding.
I have owned several McCormack amps and I would suggest you look at the DNA 125. Very musical, neutral and quick on its feet with great bass slam. The DNA 125 will work great with upgraded Paradigms as well.