Nuforce DDA-100 - Any Experience?

Does anyone own one or have any experience with one? What are your impressions? Audiophile quality as advertised?
I have a DDA-100 and am using it to drive a pair of very old JBL Control-5 speakers. I read on the Net that you need to connect speakers with high sensitivity to get best performance.

I was also advised to try the following bookshelf speakers:
- B&W 685
- Goldenear Aon3
- Amphion Ion+

I have yet to audition these myself so was asking around on the Net. I personally would prefer to use floorstanders.

Does anyone have opinions/ experience in using floorstanders compared to bookshelves with this amp?

Thanks in advance.
My DDA-100 has been driving Harbeth M30.1 faithfully for a couple of months. At such a modest price, Nuforce does not at all embarrass itself. Very clear and open. Maybe lacking in the last bit of air in high frequencies and lush midrange, but still delivers all the right things. Amazing value. Super convenient. While it was meant to be an "interim" solution, it is likely to stay much longer.
Using the DDA-100 in my home office set-up and couldn't be happier with it.

I was going to use my Music Hall a25.5 amp and Epos M5 speakers with my Mac set up, but realized the amp was far too big for a desktop setup. So started looking at the DAA-100 and the Wadia 151. I finally went with NuForce. After setting it up with the M5 speakers, it just keeps getting better and better.

I just listened to one of my favorite tracks, Van Morrison - Astral Weeks, and was completely stunned by what I heard. It added an incredible delineation to an acoustic guitar that had never really stood out before. It almost sounded like some had laid an extra instrument track over the original song. This is a song/album I've listened to for years and this amp just made it sound new again; putting my main system to shame in the process.

The quality of the DDA-100 far exceeds the price point. If you consider how well it plays, the simplicity and beautiful design of the unit; it really is a steal. Spending anymore on a desktop system would be an exercise in futility.