Joule Electra vs Pass Labs

Considering the Joule 100's or the Pass XA60.5.....pre-amp is a Mcintosh C220, speakers are to be determined.
The room I have today, will not be the same room next year, and most likely the year after. I currently don't own speakers, but are leaning towards Totem (Merlin are to much). My music is rock, but I don't play it real loud. I notice a lot of people seem to be trading up in Pass.
From my personal experience the vzn-100s make a significant amount of heat. If practical matters like cooling and being able to use them in the summer come into consideration the Pass amps might be a better choice as their rated power consumption (hence heat output) is half that of the joules at 400W vs. 800W. My vzn-100s take the summer off but they do heat my basement quite nicely in the winter though.