Amplifier for Tekton speakers

I am looking for a tube amplifier to mate with Tekton Lore. Anyone has a successful story with your amp and Tekton Lore or similar?

My music tastes 80% with pop and easy listening jazz/soft rock.

Any directions or suggestions are appreciated.
I've auditioned the Signature 15 in my system and a fellow audiophiles system and was very dissapointed. I almost emailed Srajan Ebaen to ask him what he was thinking.
It has no attack or liveliness at all. Very boring to listen to.
It had nice tone, but that was it.
I sent it back and asked Redwine to make sure something wasn't wrong with it. They told me there was nothing wrong with it.
It was flat lined for sure. Exactly opposite of why you would buy the Lore for.
I read somewhere said Tekton Lore are no cross-over design. Is it true? How can a 10" drive and a tweeter without a cross-over? This is intriguing.

That's too bad but, of course, it is just another example of how important the entire chain is, including the room. At the end of the day, what works for one might not work for another.

Is your system current? I should read back through the other threads; I thought you also owned some Tekton speakers. I would like to hear the Triangles sometime.
10-19-12: Nguyen787
I read somewhere said Tekton Lore are no cross-over design. Is it true? How can a 10" drive and a tweeter without a cross-over? This is intriguing.
What some manufacturers do is run the main driver full range, and simply a capacitor (or other simple network to balance levels) before the tweeter to keep low frequency singal from blowing it up. My Tekton Katz Meow are like this I believe, from visually looking at the XO.

I also owned Tekton Lores for a while (great speakers, only sold because I started building my speakers). They have a pretty standard crossover (3 caps, 2 coils, 2 resistors).