Mcintosh MC501 or MC 352 for Sonus Faber Cremona

Read tons of review but still can't make up my mind.

The Cremona speaker can only handle 300W @ 4ohm. However, I never listen very loud. So I "hope" it is not an issue.

The MC501 is 500w @ 4ohm. ~$6000 501 is a Fully balanced quad-differential design in mono block and have very nice review. ... index.html It is nice to have mono block. But I just worry will it be too powerful. And it is current model (2004-).

The MC352 is 350w @ 4ohm. ~$4500. a lot cheaper. It is a Double-balanced push-pull design. It is a little older design (1998). The power rating is more suitable to my Cremona. Review is also good too but not as good as the 501.

I mostly listen to Classical (mostly piano), jazz and pop.
Current system, BAT VK30SE, Oppo BDP-95, Krell KSA-200S and Sonus Faber Cremona.

thanks ahead.

If you can afford it go with the 501's, if budget is the issue then the 352 is a good amp. I owned one for yrs. If you can swing a 402 it does have abetter power supply thna that used in the 352. But the 501's will sound the best.
I have heard Cremonas with the MC352 in a friend's system. Nice set up, and far more than powerful enough. Not lacking in detail or slow (I often feel the two are related), in my opinion. Coherency? Could be a point.
I use a Levinson 432 with my Cremona and it delivers 400 watts at 8 ohms and 800 watts at 4 ohms. Works fine. Based on my experience, he MC501 would not be to powerful. Based on my experience choosing amps for the Cremona, more power is better, but I have never tried MACs with them.

One thing to look at is the overall gain in the system. If the preamp and power amp together have a large gain, you end up using only a small portion of the volume control. My preamp can attenuate the input signal and I use that to give me more range on the volume control. So, I would check out the gain of the 2 MACs versus your Krell, just to be sure.
I have heard the 501s on your speaker and they sounded better than any other audition of Macs that I have heard. I would go for them. plus I think the resale is better heavier and all. An excellent choice I would say.
as I said on CAM if you like Krell, you will not like the McIntosh...but the MC501s are better choice....not saying the MC 352 is bad amplifier, but I would go for the MC501s...