$18k Tube preamp for large scale symphonies please

hi, can anyone suggest tube preamp that's good for handling complex music & large scale symphonies recordings in studio/ theatres? i had audition some: Aesthetix, CJ ,Modwright, Audio Note, ARC but all seems lacking in some ways and definitely not enough air at top octaves and instruments separation/ spaciousness. all dealer agrees that some pre is good at certain genre of music and sound Great even more if music is relatively SIMPLE like vocal, jazz, light acoustic, slow rock and maybe pop songs. Yes i know personal taste varies as well: bass strength & high freq. extension etc. & gears matching too. could anyone share their expreience so i can narrow down a list? my music typically: Van Hellsing & Princess Mononoke movie soundtrack. hope dealers provide constructive comments. Thanks All in advance. -phil
Have you considered or auditioned LAMM .....http://www.lammindustries.com/products.html

Here is their website.

Sorry I don't have time just now to give an exhaustive description of my recommendation, but I suggest you try to hear a Purity Audio Design preamp. I believe that the 'Reference' model is in that price range. My experience with the Ultra GT version is astonishing. I use large-scale symphonic music as one of the more stringent tests, and this preamp is 'it' for me. It has all the imaging qualities that one would expect, along with slam, separation, definition, and yet, grace, that one would hope for in one unit. Overall, the realism and 'presence' of this preamp will grip you. An additional benefit is the ability to tweak the sound by using different tube manufacturers for the (2) 12AU7 tubes. Another huge benefit is that Bill Baker, designer and owner of Response Audio, is one of the great guys in the business. You have been given many options here. If you are seriously interested in learning more about my experiences with my Purity Audio Design preamp, I will offer you my cell phone number for greater details of sonics. Good luck.
hi Rtilden,
Thanks for your input. Certainly would be most helpful if you like to share your experience over the phone, you can PM me your number if you can talk about its detail characteristics.
At the price of Ultra GT is asking, it certainly have to be good. i could build a whole system with that budget! is the 'Reference' model sound very very close to your model? can you let me know what other preamp have you tried before finalising P.A.D. as your ultimate? thanks.
Probably best to call Bill Baker at Response Audio or Joe Jurzec at Jamn Audio outside of Chicago, the two men responsible for the design and production of that series of Purity Audio preamps. The circuit is the same; only a few parts are of different grade and materials. I am extremely busy now at work, but if still interested after discussing with them, I will pass on my phone number. Not sure how to do personal email on this new system- I did try.