$18k Tube preamp for large scale symphonies please

hi, can anyone suggest tube preamp that's good for handling complex music & large scale symphonies recordings in studio/ theatres? i had audition some: Aesthetix, CJ ,Modwright, Audio Note, ARC but all seems lacking in some ways and definitely not enough air at top octaves and instruments separation/ spaciousness. all dealer agrees that some pre is good at certain genre of music and sound Great even more if music is relatively SIMPLE like vocal, jazz, light acoustic, slow rock and maybe pop songs. Yes i know personal taste varies as well: bass strength & high freq. extension etc. & gears matching too. could anyone share their expreience so i can narrow down a list? my music typically: Van Hellsing & Princess Mononoke movie soundtrack. hope dealers provide constructive comments. Thanks All in advance. -phil
Jwm, pretty sure we will have at least two types of cables there. They will both be about 40 feet long. Would that be sufficient for you?
Philipwu, I heard the Doshi with a Doshi modified tube amp and horn speakers. Speakers are 105+db and it was very quiet. Typical horn strengths, dynamic, transparency, detailed, resolution, imaging ... I did find the sound a bit thin, bright and too analytical for my taste.

I bought my Vac new and Doshi has similar retailed price. Unless one much prefers Doshi sound over Vac, IMO, Vac is better value. Doshi looks like a homemade DYI project, not balance design, no features and much fewer connectors and no remote.

I have a TRL amp and other stuff but no Dude. From my experience with TRL, you can't go wrong getting a Dude plus Paul is a pleasue to deal with.

I think you need to narrow the pool of pre with a list of requirements besides just sound.

My list was:
1. Output impedance
2. flexibility - tubes easy to roll and number of tubes. Once I had pre with 12 tubes and it was expensive and impossible to find 6MP of rare NOS. This requirement ruled out Einstein and Shindo.
3. features, number of input and output connectors, remote ... I only use XLR.
4. relative value to competition.
5. reputation of the company.
dear members, Merry Merry Christmas to ALL, and enjoy more music, more songs. HO..HO..HO...
i understand most preamp suggested here are top line and i would be happy with them. i truely value all the suggestions and opinions given forth and especially some seniors whom are very helpful and patience with my queries and uncertainties. i also know there are no best preamp as each has their unique strength at each price points.
i would also like to mention my taste, so members here would understand why i'm still seeking while some of the very very good pre had being offered with its sonics fully described in their best words.. Thanks!
From my experience with Coincident LS and VAC, both are very good.As what Charles had said earlier, CLS is VERY airy, with decays extending into the space around you(fills your whole room) VAC SIG not as airy but more velvet and sweet, dynamics are a hairline lesser than CLS, above qualities heard only if you compare side by side. In bass area, VAC surpass CLS every way,it's further confirm by a review i read that 101D tube is not excellent in lower octave. But the main difference i hear is the dark black quietness from VAC as what Ralph said as IM distortion which give a sense of soundstage (but feels artificial to me because i'm hearing the event that is being played in their environment) whereas CLS has NONE, CLS make you feel the band transported into your room and you're closeup with the band. Now, your taste may prefer otherwise. However,i hope to find a preamp with CLS airyness but with Lesser in the room effect(maybe can be describe as slightly less airyness??) and have bass similar to Aesthetics. Because my music are often Large scale and unless i owns tennis court size room, the orchestral would fill my whole room and seems artificial, whereas small size music eg.jazz band & vocals would fit perfectly. I used these 2 pre to highlight the difference i felt about them and my taste. You may differ, but their characteristics they put across thru different system doesn't change as much, maybe because in high resolution systems. i'm not seeking the best but the right kind of ambience portrayal and organic feel for large scale music, not interested in pre that excel in male/female voices, or other genre. i could have describe more detail about other pre i auditioned and describe my taste in relation to them so you know my preference better but guess would be too long winded, hope some would understand my expression/analogy and offer their views. My dealers here don't carry much tubes for demo even thought they represent many brands, they have mostly SS mainly because lesser after-sales services, one of nicer dealer mentioned.
Thanks guys.
Regards & Happy New Year too!