Audio Research Ref 250s for Magnepan 20.1s?

OK, I'm thinking about taking the plunge into large tube amp, upgrading. Will the ARC Ref 250s have enough power for the Magnepan 20.1 speakers? Anyone using this combo? The Ref 750s seem too far out there for me but I would like to hear if someone has experience with either of these? Right now I have ARC Ref 3 preamp and Ref 8 CD player along with Pass Labs XP25 phonopre, VPI table with dynavector cart, and Pass Labs X600.5s. I have plenty of power but had an eye opening experience with a friend's Cary Audio 60 watt triode stereo amp. Nowhere near the power needed but it had qualities I desire such as midrange bloom and wide soundstage without harsh upper end. It was bass shy but I do have Nola subs. Should I sell the pass 600.5s and get ARC ref 250s? or 750s (god forbid)?
I definitely recommend you audition a Sanders Sound Magtech amp. Very transparent and fast with 900w/ch into 4ohms. An audio bargain

From the qualities you said you want, midrange bloom and a big soundstage without a harsh upper end, I would suggest that a simple substitution of another tube preamp might do the job for you.

Your ARC Ref3 is a very nice preamp, however, I don't think many would say it has midrange bloom or that it attenuates the upper treble to reduce harshness. I would pose that most would describe it's qualities as being more similar to solid-state, in that it is accurate and neutral in nature, rather than what has been traditionally considered 'tubey'. This seems like a better starting point than jumping into tube amps right from the getgo.

I'd see if a local dealer can let you home audition a few different brands/models so you can attain the qualities you're after.Just an alternative suggestion.

Thanks and good luck,
Take a paire of REF 250s home and demo them in your system. Any dealer worth their salt will let you take a pair home for a week or so. You will find these amps to be absolutely wonderful. Also, if you are listening solely to vinyl, then you might want to demo a tube phono stage before getting rid of the pass amp. Take your time and demo equipment first before purchasing. The Audio Research REF Phono stage is the best I have heard and the REF 250 is really nice. But, I would bet that the Pass amp is also really nice, so first demo a tube phono stage and if you aren't happy, then demo the AR REF 250 amp.


How about getting your midrange bloom from a warmer tube preamp and send that bloom to a set of the fabulous Merrill Audio Veritas monoblocks. I have had experience with both ARC and Pass Labs equipment, and while I respect each of them, I am now getting everything you say you want using a Cary Slp-05 and the Veritas monoblocks. A beautiful top end and a soundstage beyond the wall with a great recording. Your Maggies will thank you for providing the quickness and punch they deserver to sound their best. And you won't have to deal with a pair of space heaters in your listening room.
