Recommendations for Electronic Crossovers - HELP

Dang, I am biamping my B&W 804 matrix speakers using a 200 watt for the woofer and a 50 watt per channel for the top - I have looked everwhere and cannot seem to find a decent outside crossover that does not cost an arm and leg. Wasted a lot of time looking at stuff meant for a PA system! I am not looking for a kit either. Please help. Thanks!
Marchand electronics have affordable ones. You'll save some funds if you buy kit and assemble yourself
I used a Marchand external crossover when I biamped my Magnepan 20.1's. Great flexibility when adjusting frequency crossover points. Check out his website
Bryston 10B is a good choice. As I have mentioned in other posts, make sure the crossover is configured for your specific speakers or that the speaker manufacturer states clearly that the crossover will match with your speakers. it is simply not as simple as some suggest. Almost every speaker has some inherent issues that require specific wave shaping circuitry to correct. A basic crossover does not have this circuitry. For Example, when Krell made the KBX crossover, you had to state which speaker it was to be used with so they could include the correct circuit card to correct for the inherent speaker issues. A simple call to the manufacturer will solve this. But I have heard nothing but positive things about the Bryston crossover.
