Class D amps?

Are there any Class D amps today that avoid the pit falls of the older Class D amps? ie: roll off of the top end for one.

The TBI Millenia MG3 is 35 wpc and is designed for speakers that are easy to drive. The guys over on Audio Circle are raving about it and the cost is only $500.00.

I am not associated in any way to the product but when I get my new speakers I am going to give it a try.
Not an issue. They play nice with all types. Watts are just one aspect and not the end all. There is a misconception that you can have too much watts. The overall measurements on the Veritas NC1200 is about (some are the best) the best you can get.Go to and call Merrill and discuss any concerns or tech questions you have. Merrill is very conservative and will be very upfront with you if there is anything to be concerned about.
Let me know after you have a chance to talk to him.
I LIKE my "antique" Roland 201s, damnitt. Screw you clowns for getting me all fasciated and obsessive on this latest hypex ncore whizz-bang. Cheaper than the IWC watch I decided I "needed" last week (albeit not by much), though, I'll grant you that. If I can just keep myself distracted by constantly new stuff before giving myself the chance to rationalize pulling the trigger on something I'd have trouble explaining when the Lady gets home from China next weekend. Only one more week to go, willpower fading....first world problems are so hard, no?
Just received a pair of Veritas amps yesterday and am very happy. They are beautiful and sound MUCH better than the NC400s that I assembled.

Of course, the NC400s were built rather simply.

Thanks to all for your input but one more question. One of the biggest complaints of Class D amps was that they are too sterile and just not musical is that still true with the ncores?