Recommendations for balancing gain in bi-amp setup

I've been trying to calibrate my setup where I have
PS PWD Dac-> Joules Electra LA150 MKII pre -> Celestion 6000 crossover (treble, mids)-> Ampzilla 2000 MKII -> Celestion sl600 monitor ; Celestion 6000 crossover (bass) -> Mccormick DNA 500 ->Celestion 6000 subs.

The Celestion 6000 is a monitor/sub configuration and requires bi-amping. Both the monitor and sub have low sensitivity, ~84db and power handling up to 100W@8ohm. These are hard speakers to drive but I felt my Ampzilla and Mccormick combo should be up to the task.

My challenge right now is that even though the Mccormick DNA 500 which I'm using to drive the bass is rated at 500w@8ohm output and the Ampzilla is rated at 300W@8ohm. I'm still finding the bass playback from this setup is light and thin
or put it another way that the highs/mids are too bright.

My theory for now is that this may be due to the different sensitivity of the amps and I'm trying to avoid throwing another component in the mix like a equalizer to sync this.

Would like recommendations from anyone who has face such gain/sensitivity challenges before when bi-amping.

that seem to have done it.

I switch the 300W ampzilla to drive my bass and use the 500w Mccormack DNA 500 to drive the monitors.

Instantly, the missing bass appeared in spades to the point I now set my crossover gain to just between 5-6 and all the mid-bass and bottom end is solid and tight.

I just need to find a good way to tweak the crossover gain to balance the output of the monitor vs the subs.

Thanks Al for the thread that help clarify for me the difference between input sensitivity and output gain.

Glad there was a simple solution. As you've probably already calculated, based on the methodology presented in the post I linked to the gain of the Ampzilla is about 33.8 db, while the gain of the McCormack is about 29.0 db.

-- Al

Goldpoint used to carry a limited range, mono, 10K, high precision (1 or 1/2 dB step, if I remember correctly) that would be ideal for this purpose but I can't seem to find it listed now.

If you do go this way, they should be close to the amps.