ARC SP16 vs SP8

hay ive got an sp16 preamp to go with my vs110 amp. I was wondering if an sp8 would be an upgrade in both linstage and phono stage? have you heard both? How would you describe the 8. I find the 16 to be neutral but im not crazy about it's stereo imaging, almost to mono feeling for me. could maby upgrading my sumiko bluepoint 2 on my pro ject 2 xperience do the trick?
Oh yea as far as cables are, i use tara labs prime m2 from the turntable to the preamp, tara air 2 from the preamp to amp, audioquest rocket 88 speaker cables, and shunyata venom power cords.
I've found the imaging of the SP16 to be quite precise and capable of a very wide soundstage. I'm at a loss as to why you would find it "too mono".

Just read your followup - sounds like speaker positioning may be your issue. Might be difficult to achieve a wide soundstage under those circumstances. Speaker positioning and proximity to walls etc will have a greater effect on imaging than (competently designed) electronics.
Yea im starting to think that even 6 feet apart is still not enough, im gonna have to live with it. Im not sure how far i should sit from the speakers.
Good imaging usually starts with a set up of a triangle. Seat perhaps 10 to 15 percent further away from the speakers than the speakers are apart from each other. An equalateral triangle is a great place to start. FWIW.
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