Class D with Tyler Acoustics

I have a pair of Ty's D112's coming and am really excited. I am thinking about a new pre/power upgrade as well. Like most, my musical taste is eclectic. My room has been extensively treated. And normally my source will be lossless files through a reference dac.

Class D has been on my radar for a while; i.e., W4S and Bel Canto. (Gear like Rowland and others of that ilk are beyond my budget.) Anyway, I will no doubt do a lot of auditioning, but I would like to begin narrowing down my options. I know a few A A/B's that I intend to hear, but I was wondering if any of you have successfully paired your Tylers with class D? Especially the D110 or MM5?

Thanks for the suggestions,
I have a pair of Tyler D2's along with his center and rears that are connected to a W4S multi channel amp. This a big upgrade over a modified Anthem MCA 50. I use the setup for 2 channel music and 5 channel home theatre on an equal basis. I am very happy with the results.
As I said, there are some class A A/B that I want to audition, but I have heard some good things bout class D. So I want to give them a listen. My budget for pre/power or integrated is in the $3500 range.
I am really starting to sound like a Hypex shill but...

$2000 will get you a pair of NC400 amps if you can do basic assembly and solder an XLR connector. Check out Audiocircle and other forums for listening impressions and good luck.
Hi Nsirkin,

You don't sound like a shill, you sound like someone who has found a piece of gear they think is awesome and I appreciate that. My problem is that I am technologically challenged. I have never soldered anything in my life. So the prospect of DIY isn't appealing to me. But enthusiasm over music and gear... that's great!
Why don't you call Ty and ask if he has used Class D with any of his speakers. I'm pretty darn sure he has used Bel Canto with success.