Do you leave the Jeff Rowland Amp on all the time

I purchased this amp recently an am very impressed with the sound, however it takes a long time to warm up. Do any users leave the amp on all the time. I emailed Rowland but did not get an answer. I am also thinking about replacing my BAT VK-32SE with the Rowland Capri preamp.
I keep my Sunfire SRA on all the time, but it only uses 10W of idle power. It's even longer for digital amp to worm up to normal operation.
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Donnot leave them on 24/7
That is just the company trying to get you to wear it out for repairs or a new one down the road.I talked to 5 well regaurded techs and they all say the same thing""SHUT EM DOWN"" but thats just my experience.
Marty, what model do you own? As an model 8 owner, I can tell you that this amp was designed to be in 'idle' mode until the front switch is depressed, which takes the amp into full-on mode. The thinking is to have the circuit active at all times in order to minimize warm-up time. Seems to have worked very well. However, i am not sure that the other models in the line work this way.
My goodness. By the time all that other stuff is done, it's on 24/7 anyway!

Hey Geoff.