Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
At this point all I can say is this- dude, go calibrate your ears and be a little be more respectful talking to adults.


You're not to be questioned?

How was Pjwd disrespectful? His post was clever and succinct, but not disrespectful. It sounds like you've spent too much time convincing yourself and probably your patients that you are special. Relax. Doctor or not, you ain't special and no one here is impressed.

Pjwd makes the excellent point; how did sibilance turn into coloration all of a sudden? Those are two completely different diseases.

And it begs the question that if a doctor caught "syphilance" from Supratek once, why would he possibly go back to the same well two more times?


What's the difference between God and a doctor?

Answer: God doesn't think he's a doctor!
Fiddler, I expected nothing less, than just such a response.
Before I comment any further, please, refer to page 57 of this very thread, post, initiated by Opus88 on 03/13/07, and the following discussion.
Pjwd is disrespectful in dismissing other's opinions as invalid, based on his personal experience with Supratek, and that's is disrespectful.
What he said, in essense means this: "I'm a better audiophile, than you are, because you hear things, I don't"
let me make one comment, though.
It's a well proven fact, that different people, listening to the same system, at the same point of time, will come out of that listening room with different impressions.
Is that something so difficult to understand???????????
Please, read posts about any of the audio shows, CES, RMAF, when people, after being exposed to exactly the same system, and sometimes being in the same room at the same time, expressed very polarizing opinions about it.
Why is that you and Pjwd question my personal experience with my personal system?
I didn't question yours, I just said, that your experience is likely to be different.
And what me being a doctor has to do with anything????
It never fails to puzzle me, how many of the A-gon members have such rigid and limited understanding of simple facts of life. What are you, a member of holy Supratek church?
Why not heed courtesy on this site and not be so antagonistic.
Generally, the markets are flooded with used products which have sold this well--which doesn't portend dissatisfaction as much as the wonder lust of audiophiles.
As to coloration, I would say again that ALL audio gear has a unique signature, call it coloration or whatever you please--I merely state and will repeat it that Mick picked a 'color' that most people like, a compliment.
I can be more detailed if you don't understand these comments. Most of the people here got it the first time.
Hi Marill555. I'm still "alive and kicking". Yes, I recall well that time when some considered us the equivalent of partners in crime when we detailed the problems we had with the sound of our Suprateks. I want to also say, though, that there were some concerned and sympathetic Agoners who came to our aid because they felt we were being treated unfairly. Obviously, all people owning the same component never respond in exactly the same way(s), and when you and I "bucked the tide" some out there got pretty nasty. Sorry, but no component is a sacred cow. In my response you sited above from 3/13/07, I indicated I had not yet tried the 6SN7 Tungsols, Ken Rad black glass,etc. in an effort to neutralize the glare I had heard with my Cortese. Well, eventually I did shell out big bucks for those tubes, and still found no respite from the leering glare. After trying a gaggle of other components, including other speakers, I reached the point where I said, "That's enough". The rest is history. I had no ill will whatsoever toward Mick. His preamp just didn't satisy me in my system. To others who have enjoyed the Suprateks in their systems, I am happy for them, and I sincerely hope they continue to derive great pleasure from Mick's creations. As for me, I am extremely happy with the preamp I now own. It's always a joy when someone finds real satisfaction with the sound produced by their system or any individual component. In closing, I hope your money issue with Mick can be resolved soon, Ilia. Good listening too all!