Oppo BDP-95 as a pure two channel audio source?

Curious to know if anyone out there has purchased the Oppo BDP-95 soely on its merit as a dedicated two channel audio source? If so, how does it stack up comparatively speaking. Thanks
Thanks again Desalvo55 and to all who have replied. You are absolutely right, not all dacs, (or how they're utilized) are created equal and system synergy is critical. After a fair amount of research and hearing from a number of very satisfied Oppo owners, you're right, I have decided to abandon the notion of replacing my Bryston with the Oppo. The reasoning that the Oppo is a great sounding player, "for the money" is of no consequence to me, in fact, that makes it less attractive. However, the main reason I won't be moving forward with the Oppo is that it has become rather apparent to me now, that while the Oppo may be a terrific home theatre/computer piece, it probably should not be confused with something it is not intended to be, and that is a audiophile quality cd source. Thanks again. .
Jay writes, ". . . while the Oppo may be a terrific home theatre/computer piece, it probably should not be confused with something it is not intended to be, and that is a audiophile quality cd source."

I get the impression his mind was made up before he started this thread, otherwise it's difficult to adduce evidence in the series of posts that support his conclusion.

The "SE" unit is pretty well received by those that have indeed used "audio" only units with botique names. I'd still be interested in an A to B shoot-out before I drew a conclusion. I'll surely do that before I upgrade, or it might be a downgrade.

Just because something is sold in HUGE QTY, and can leverage a lower price, does it all of a sudden get you less quality of sound and for that reason. Audio has the opposite problem, to few units sold at high prices isn't making stuff sound better. You can spend much more than on the OPPO BDP-83SE and be worse off real easily.
Dbphd, you're right, while I was not closed minded to the 95s ability, I was at least incredulous to the hype surrounding the Oppo 95. Oh believe me, I wanted it to be true, who wouldn't? A thousand dollar do-it-all source that could actually hold it's own and in fact, surpass the performance of high end players costing two, three times the money! I so wanted to hear convincing testimony that would ease my doubt a move me to give the new 105 a shot, but I didn't get that. I heard from a number of people who were making the most of the units features that would not come into play for me. I get the impression that those who buy the Oppo are approaching this hobby from a different perspective, one that is not necessarily solely focused or the reproduction of the live musical performance.
I can say I have done direct A/B comparisons between the oppo 95, Ayre C5xeMP, and Emotiva ERC-1. The ERC sounded much more natural on cd playback with a deeper soundstage, obviously could not play SACD's. The oppo won out on ERC-1 to oppo sacd playback with details being a little better on the SACD's but still did not match the depth the ERC had. The Ayre beat them all in every category, just a better player. When I took the Oppo 95 into the movie room it shined, creating great dynamics and wonderful picture. As long as you are not needing SACD, if I were you looking for a 2 channel player I would go with the ERC-2