What makes a good piece of audio gear ?

Is is the design ? If so how many possible designs are there for say an amp ?
Is it the materials used ?
What else am i missing ?
Are new designs even possible anymore ?
Will the future bring better gear ?
Something that is eye catching / Fancy looking will make one envision how nice the sound must be . Obviously that is not the case ,but it brings the mind there .
Let's take asthetics out . Envision all gear used the same exact box to house the gear . Only the sound would make are decisions on what to buy . Do you think the most expensive ones show through ?

In order of importance:

1) Good circuit/crossover design.

2) Parts choices (and spending your parts budget on the parts of the circuit where quality parts will make the most difference).

I will also add that in my experience a good power supply in a component makes a big difference. Particularly in amps and preamps. And quality transformers matter (for power supplies, tube output transformers, and SUTs for LOMCs).
A good piece of audio gear is something that accurately and consistantely reproduce the musical signal, does not load down negatively the next in line component, does not affect the sound/signal, is designed such that cables make little or no difference to the signal and can drive the next in line component accurately within its design specifications, and most importantly, does what the customer wants it to in his/her system well. If, all things being equal, your system is almost "there" and you add this piece of audio gear in, and then you are "there", then that makes it a good piece of audio gear.

question: What makes a good piece of audio gear ?

answer: The Audio Research factory.
There are no secrets or magic involved. It's a mature industry, and has been for decades. A great piece will be one that meets your particular requirements and will be very reliable. Build quality is real, high quality components is not. All else is marketing and one-upmanship. Did I mention reliability? The more exotic or complex, the greater the failure rate.
Luck. I say this after building a few things like speakers and passive preamps and having no talent.