Amp for Joseph RM-25si ?

I have searched the discussion lists here, but I haven't found any mention of complimentary amplifiers for Joseph Audio speakers. I have been using late-80's vintage tube gear with Speltz Anti-Cables and IC, but wonder if newer tube or SS models would be a better match. Any suggestions on great matches with these speakers?
Are you looking for tubes or ss?
Anything over about 100wpc will work great.
Manley Snappers and Gamut D-200 amps work particularly well with mine.
I would be looking for tubed amplification. It sounds like you are bi-amping your setup. I have a Forte amp I could use for the low end. If you are bi-amping, what changes did it bring to the overall presentation?
Not bi-amping. Just an example of two diff. Amps that work particularly well with the rm25s.
I also have a 50wpc push pull Canary Audio amp (ca339) that works great with them.