Coincident Statement Pre Vs Aesthetix Calypso Pre

Hi all,

Need your input about the two pre... Coincident Statement Pre and Aesthetix Calypso. Need some advise on which is a better pre to get...

While I have had no direct experience with either of these 2 preamps, let me make a suggestion...

List your remaining components which may allow others to relate their experience with synergy among components and why it is you are looking at these 2 specific preamps. Its quite possible that there is another preamp out there that may be a better match for your system and your desired outcome...

Stereo Amp - Pass Labs X250.5
CD Transport - CEC TL1
DAC - Theta pro basic
Speakers - Harbeth SHL 5

I hope to try out balanced (XLR) i/o - found out recently that while preamps may have xlr i/o, the amp may not have a balanced circuitry,,, hope to get a preamp with both rca and true balanced circuitry... my budget is about $6,000 - besides the two preamp mentioned, i am open to other recommendations. Preamp should be tube... or hybrid tube...

I have the Aesthetix and have nothing but good things to say about it. I would defiantly buy it again. You are correct in wanting to get a true balanced preamp and not just something with XLR connectors on it. Your amp is fully balanced so it makes sense to get a balanced pre. If you find that the Aesthetix is not for you, I would look at BAT. Great products, as well, but a different sound.