Verity Audio speakers

hello all, I have heard Verity speakers recently and I'm "eternaly" impressed with them - they do sound extreemly coherent, and produce very authentic engaging sound. Would like to build system around them.

I was wondering if anybody would be able to share the impressions over the older models: fidelio vs parsifal encore in particular and euquipment matching with these speakers. Is parsifal just bigger on bass or this is too much of a simplificaiton.
I heard only Finn with Mcintosh - this was nice, but many mention also ARC, Einstein, VAC also. What are your impressions in terms of equipment matching here?
For now I only have Arcam avr 600 and would like to take leap forward from there so any of the above would be major step forward I guess. I like the tube sound more than SS and would like to explore this avenue.
Also would like to get in touch with somebody who would be prepared to sell older Parsifal model.
I have the Verity Encores, latest model, for several years. Did have the opportunity to demo the Ovations at home, very similar, slight change in bottom bass section. Did not notice much difference so I kept he Encores, loved them both. Great match for my Herron M1A mono amps and Herron VTSP-3A pre amp. My speakers are 9 years old. Next year I will send to Verity for a going over, testing and upgrade grills and be fine with my "new" Parsifals for another 10 years.
Have been driven the latest Parsifal Encores with Pass X350.5. Agree with the comments above that they need power. I had some discussion with Julian at Verity and he had indicated that they are fairly easy to drive. I tried my other amp, Pass Aleph Os (40wpc) and it could not do the job. So back went the X350.5. I had been using a pair of Discovery jumpers from Verity and I think that contributed to the darkness indicated in the post above. I just switched over to a pair of Nordost Norse jumpers and it opened up the highs. All my interconnects and speaker cables are the Synergistic Research Reference X2 series. A recent change of tubes in my phonostage (ARC PH-3SE) and linestage (ARC LS-25 Mk I, GNSC Ref mod) from Amperex Bugle Boys 6DJ8s to orange & white label Amperex PQ 6922s also improve the highs as well.

it is not so sensitive to room placement

Doesn't Verity recommend that their speakers be placed 1/3 the length of the room off the front walls? I'd call that hard to place: eg: 7 ft. from the front wall in a 20 ft room.

This has always out me off Verity, which look like a great line; I'd be pleased to be corrected.
I heard the line in Montreal several years back including the Parsifal Encore, Ovation and Sarastro. The Ovation and Sarastro were in smaller rooms with Silversmith cabling and Nagra electronics, lovely AND memorable sound. The Parsifal Encores were paired with Berning prototype amps and pre-amp with Stillpoints everywhere and Stereovox cabling in a LARGE trapezoidal room on the ground floor with the "big boys". I had a vested interest at the time since I have a Berning amp but wasn't at the time I committed to attend the show expecting to hear Berning paired with Verity or I probably wouldn't have. I expressly attended the show to hear Berning and at the time was considering upgrading to the latest Merlins which were to be demonstrated. Merlin didn't make it and the Parsifals which were new and not even broken in, were a last minute replacement.

The speakers were place well out in the room away from the front wall which had a curtain to counter noise from the AHUs behind that wall, a low rumbling that couldn't be eliminated, no matter. It took a while to get everything dialed in and I had the opportunity to listen over a 3 day period. Long story condensed by the last day I didn't want to leave that room! Didn't matter what the genre, from large scale choral and orchestral to jazz to vocal it did it all so naturally and effortlessly, it just sounded so damn real, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up on almost everything I listened to. I had an opportunity to purchase the speakers but was unsure how they would sound in my space, with the requirement that they be placed well out from the front walls a major consideration that really wouldn't be optimal in my listening room so I passed BUT I often wonder, what if? Most impressive line for sure with mointo potential.
Doesn't Verity recommend that their speakers be placed 1/3 the length of the room off the front walls? I'd call that hard to place: eg: 7 ft. from the front wall in a 20 ft room.

This has always out me off Verity, which look like a great line; I'd be pleased to be corrected.

The rule of 1/3 is a basic acoustic principal designed to mitigate room enhanced nulls and peaks. If you search speaker placement optimization, you will see this principal explained in greater detail plus the theory behind the application.

In short, this is not a Verity only suggestion, but a good starting position for most speakers. As always, with any theory, it offers a good starting point which will allow you to adjust to personal taste and your own room acoustics.