Is it too much to ask....

...that sellers of power amps and integrated amps list the power rating per channel? I looked at 40 or 50 amps today and omly 3 of them listed the power specs. After all, isn't the *most* inmportant spec. how much the amp delivers?

C'mon folks, get a clue!!!

I could be showing my age, but there was a time when Audiogon had sophisticated buyers and sellers. Issues like this would not have come up.
Sophistication and courtesy are not mutually exclusive.

Some of you need to come down off of your high horses.
I remember when you used to be able to post a link in an AudiogoN ad. I used to post a link to the product I was selling web page. I miss that feature.
I've never purchased an item on Audiogon without either knowing the product specs and reputation or researching them. I've enjoyed sales without any specs. In the computer age it is easy to look up all info on an item. I don't think this is a "high horse" issue. Just the way this site works. It's not Craig's list. It's not ebay. I much prefer the ads without specs. Even if some specs were shown, it should not be enough for the conscientious buyer. Use the space for photos of the component and details of your use or ownership. That is what I need to know that the company website and reviewers cannot tell me.
How about those infalted original price specs, seeing more and more of that here.