today i got my new Focal Electra 1038BE ,help

oday i got my brand new Focal Electra 1038BE , need some help for the rest of the system

later i will add the Electra center and rear
sub , i don't know if to buy the electra also or something else


Multi channel amp and pre processor

until now i connect my computer with optic cable to the receiver with motherboard sound card

i'm new to the high end sound
until now i connect my computer with optic cable to the receiver with motherboard sound card
i don't even now what is DAC and how to get good sources

because i want to use the system for HT and also for stereo music
i need Multi channel amp and pre processor , right?

Classe' SSP-800 , what are their price? i think they are too expensive
i need to invest more money on the rest of the Electra system

red that the 1038 BE
are very clear and pure sound
need very good amp

can you recommend amp that match?

i have tech question:
usually i hear full detail when i listen in high volume
but i don't have dedicate isolated sound room that i can listen without interrupt to other people around.

there is a way to enjoy music without high volume?
maybe specific Amp better then other for that
or my big speakers can't do that anyway?

(hope you understand my poor english)

this model can be good enough for pre ?
Hi, If these speakers are brand new I would wait until they are "broken in" first before I did anything with my other equipment. The break in process might take at least 100 hrs or more and the sound should just keep getting better. Good luck.
Please answer these three questions first:

1. What is your budget? (How much money do you have to spend on everything)?
2. What size is your room? (Measure in feet: length / width / height)
3. How soon do you want to buy everything? (1 week / 6 months / 1 year)?
4. What country do you live in?

The only thing I can recommend, before you state your budget, is power cables: once you figure out how many sources and amps you will buy, get the LessLoss DFPC Signature power cords—you will be so glad you did.

To figure out how many, why, and what lengths, email Louis Motek at; Tell him you're building a home theater and a 2-channel hi-fi, and that you need help with cabling. Ask anything else you like. He's the boss and he's very fast to answer questions. Doing this will save you a lot of time and money.

Whatever you buy for sources (home theater and 2-channel music listening), if you use the LessLoss cables, your system will sound like you have much better equipment—guaranteed! Everything will sound more real because the DFPC Signatures remove so much noise from the audio.

And please, don't forget to answer those 4 questions. It will help everyone else give you relevant advice.

All the best,

Congratulations on the new speakers. Before anyone can help you we need to understand your budget and goals.

To answer your question "there is a way to enjoy music without high volume?" - yes, there is.

This is often determined by your equipment choices.

To answer your other question about the Outlaw.. it's not something "I" would pair with the speakers you just purchased. But again it comes down to goals and budget.
i want to buy also the rest of the Electra system to enjoy also HT .

room is around 400 sqft
budget 5-8K
used /mint condition also an option for me

i'm from Houston , TX

what i need to buy? (maybe it's must for me to starch my budget in order to really drive my system property )

processor for HT , what model?
stereo or multi?
i red that Pass Labs , Parasound Halo , Musical fidality , Simaudio , Classe , NAD M3 ,
specially Class A , are perfect math for them.

i like the idea of using only one items to drive the speaker and save a lot of space in my living room
do you think it's a good idea to use it?

if i'm buying processor , i need also DAC ?


i watch most of my movies from my computer , also music
should i buy sound card?

i'm totally confused!