My amp has no faults

Who has an amp or heard one they can honestly say they find no fault with save for the fact it's not 100% convincing? Having all the sonic attributes one desires in an amp. A description in which there are no buts. If such a thing exists, I would love to hear about it.
all amps are imperfect. the questions is: are the flaws detectable ?

on most cases if you listen, you can find them.

in addition, some have more acute hearing than others, so what one may miss, another may hear.
Well, you know, you take any really inherently good amp and isolate it from structureborne vibration and you wind up with a much better amp. There is really no way to do that without resorting to means external to the amp. Or, take an inherently good amp and replace the amp's stock power cord with a better power cord and you wind up with an even better amp. I also suspect that if amp manufacturers started to pay attention to wire directionality and were consistent throughout the entire amp with respect to wire direction, including all point to point wiring, transformer wiring, etc. then you would begin to see some sort of revolution in amplifier sound.
Okay, at least you're having fun. If the question seems too skewed, just tell us which amp you would rank #1 in your experience.