Belle Klipsch VS La Scalla?

Belle Klipsch vs La Scala? What is the difference
performance wise? Somebody told me that a Belle is
just a dressed up La Scala. Another told me that
the Belle Klipsch has smoother mid and high frequency
response. How is the bass performance of these to each
other and how does it compare to a Forte or a Chorus.
Any comments would greatly help me in making a purchase.
Does anybody know where I can hear a pair in
southeastern Michigan? Incidently how does the older
Cornwall II compare with these. I currently own Forte II
which I like very much, but looking to improve?
Thank you in advance.
I've owned LaScallas, Heresey, Cornwalls, and listened quite a bit to Belle Klipsch and KHorns. All of these were the original versions when Paul Klipsch was running the company. I think they sounded much better before he left the company. I think the tonal balance of the Belles was better than the LaScalas, but at the time I could not afford (or even find) a pair of Belles from the vintage I wanted. I have not heard the Heritage Series--which is supposedly the same design, but I'm pretty sure they have made driver changes and crossover changes--not always for the better (soundwise that is--maybe better for company margins). As to your question about the Cornwall. I liked them very much. Much better than the new Forte's and Chorus's. Bass performance was tighter, but did not go as low. The bass rolloff on the older series was about 35Hz. This was one of the reasons the dynamics and efficiency was so high. To sum it up: I think the Forte and Chorus were designed to please a larger market segment. It does more things and a mediocre level, but doesn't really excell at any one area. The older Klipsch excelled at efficiency and dynamics with very good tonal balance (except for the rolloff at the extremes). These benefits were at the expense of deep bass and imaging (they never could really develop a soundstage very well).
Hello: Back in the 70's I owned both the Cornwalls & the Belles. The Belle's are sonically very simular to the Lascala's (I believe they have the exact same drivers). To be quite honest I felt the Cornwall's were a much more musical speaker than the Belle's, even though they were much less expensive (although I would not classify any Klipsch speaker as musical). You should know the Belles are a terribly bright speaker (Cornwalls too, but not quite as bad). I only kept my Belles for about six month before I became hopelessly fatigued by them & decided to sell. Klipsch uses extremely cheap drivers & internal wiring, even in these relativly high priced speakers. They were good in their day, but for the money you could find a MUCH MUCH better transducer than Klipsch. If you do decide to go with Klipsch, tubes are a must (preferably a little SET) to take away some of that harsh bright presentation. I hate to be negative, but I just think for the money there is so much out there which is leagues above any of these Klipsch models. Don't roll over in your grave Paul. I met Paul Klipsch once. He was kind of a crazy old kook, but none the less a nice guy. You know the real smart type, but way out there if you know what I mean... Good Luck, Sagger
I'm a big Kilpsch fan, I once met Mr. PWK at a presentation he gave in St Louis. Yeah he was way out there, but a great guy IMO.
I couldn't fit the corner horns in my L.R. so I got the Belles & they were not exactly cheap. Unlike many designs, they do work well close to back walls (you don't have to crowd your living room - nice feature). Paul named the Belle after his wife, & she must look beautiful because these speakers sure are! I've also been told it's a dressed up LaScala.
I never compared real closely regarding MF / HF comparisons, but they have the same drivers so are likely quite similar. LF may behave somehwat differently, as the cabinet's architectures vary. They do use the same woofer, but again I've never compared carefully enough to say. I did like the Forte when I heard it 20 years ago but I went for the biggies instead. Back then they were still making the classic design with metal (Altec?) horns. I've been told that the Heritage design uses cheaper plastic horns & has other cost-reductions, but again I've not heard them to compare - sorry I'm trying to help you Ek, but I don't know all the facts.
Klipsch has many fans, & as many detractors; either you really like them or you really do not. They are definitely colored by resonances, but that tweakable to a great degree if you're a dedicated hobbyist as I am. The wire they used isn't very good & that's the first improvement you would want to make, but use copper not silver. I have tweaks info available & always like to hear from others regarding their tweaks too.
I don't completely agree re: "teribly bright" but yes they are bright & not easy to matchup well with just any equipment & cables. Sure they were built for SET's but I've had good results with SS mosfet amps. (My best sound was with an old Luxman M4000A mosfet, but they're unattainable now & mine's now broken for lack of 4 Toshiba 2SC2239 driver transistors.)
You do get great slam & dynamics with these beauties; also very revealing & certainly unforgiving. If you're pumping in 'bad sound' that's just what you'll get out. Input some good clean signal, & you'll love them.
The K'horn, LaScala and Belle for each series uses the same drivers. However the midrange horn is slightly shorter than the LaScala/K'horn and therefor there is a slight midrange difference.

Many feel the Cornwall was a great speaker and possibly for the majority of installs, the best of the original PWK designs. It was discontinued basically because its components had no commonality with any other of the speakers. I have owned a set of the Series II and sold them only to miss them all these years. I still have a set of Heresys and these with the right front end possibly are the best audio buy today.