Belle Klipsch VS La Scalla?

Belle Klipsch vs La Scala? What is the difference
performance wise? Somebody told me that a Belle is
just a dressed up La Scala. Another told me that
the Belle Klipsch has smoother mid and high frequency
response. How is the bass performance of these to each
other and how does it compare to a Forte or a Chorus.
Any comments would greatly help me in making a purchase.
Does anybody know where I can hear a pair in
southeastern Michigan? Incidently how does the older
Cornwall II compare with these. I currently own Forte II
which I like very much, but looking to improve?
Thank you in advance.
I owned a pair of Heresy's way back in the 70's. Ialso owned a pair of Chorus's for about 6 months a couple of years ago. However, I know a Klipsch dealer fairly well and have heard the La Scala's, Belle's, and K-horns. The La Scala's and K-horns use the same length midrange horn, while the Belle's have a much shorter midrange horn. All use the same mid compression drivers however, assuming they are all of the same vintage. The Belle's go noticably deeper than the La Scala's, approx. 10 hz lower (the La Scala's really don't go below 50 hz), while the cornerhorns get down into the 30's. To my ear, I was never a great fan of the Belle's, as I thought them to be too harsh, maybe due to the short midrange horn (?). As to what type of amplification to use, I cannot offer a valid comment on SET as I have no personal experience with them, but logically they would seem to be a good choice. This I do know, however. If you want to go SS, try Macintosh. While not the most deailed or fast amp out there, they do a very good job of "taming" the horns. The best Mac amp out there IMHO, the Mac 2255, but hard to find. I do need to comment that I am really not a fan of horns or Macintosh equipment anymore, but if you like lots of sound with big impact or listen to mainly rock, then Klipsch speakers will knock your socks off. Hope this helped, if only a little bit.
whatever you decide on Klipsch-wise, you really should try to get a tube pre amp with them,youre ears willthank you down the road.I owned K horns ,la scala and heresy, and they all sounded SO much better with tubes. Good luck
I heard that Mr. Winoguy! Trying a Cary pre this weekend thanks for your input.
I tried another tube preamp ($2600 list) this weekend - same result as always: tube-rush noise, microphonics, ringing, yuck!
I currently own the Klipsch Belles. They sound incredible, but it is really about choosing the right gear. Tubes work great with these speakers as with all vintage Klipsch gear. I use an upgraded Counterpoint SA-12 with 6sn7 Sylvania bad boys. My preamp is a Counterpoint SA-3000 pre-amp. The right tubes are important because they make the speakers sound bright and fatiguing. The sound is quiet, dynamic and great detail. The right choice of tubes is important.