Tube Amps with Vandersteen 2Ci's ???

Anyone have any experience powering 2Ci's with a tube amp? I'd like to move up from my Adcom 555 to something in the tube department, perhaps monoblocks. Already have tube preamp (Audible Illusions Mod 1), and have been eyeballing a few class A tubers. 2Ci's not your typical rock and roll speaker, will I lose all the low end punch and crispiness? Any recommendations?
I have seen Richard Vandersteen demo his speakers twice, the 2C and Mod. 5, and each time he had Audio Research tube amps on them. The bass was full, vibrant and well defined. A dealer I used to frequent consistantly played the speakers (2c) with Audio Research tubes or B&K solid state. I don't recall RV saying he specifically endorsed AR, but it was a match that he really liked.
I actually think a solid state amp is a better match for the vandersteens. The tube amp will cut out quite a bit of the bass. I assume you like bass if you bought vandersteens. If you need to trim some of the bass boom, tube amps are a good way to go. Vandersteens are relatively insensitive to their amplifiers. I think the mccormack amp is a great match for them.
Personally, I could not get over the metallic sound of my 2ce high end even with a tube amp. I tried a CJ MV50 which did not control the bass at all. I really think that in your price range it would be very tough to buy a tube amp with enough power to run the Vandees and not have an amp that is very expensive. Unless you really like the Vandees and are willing to spend 2.5k plus on an amp. I really prefer my present set up with Pro Ac Resonse 2 w/ an ARC Classic 30 which cost used 1300 and will power the Pro ACs which would not happen w/ the Vandees.
I have heard both good solid state and good tube electronics on Vandersteen 2C's. The solid state was Threshold SA-1 100 watt mono amps pure class A with an ARC SP-11 Pre-amp. The tube set-up with the Vandy's was ARC M-100 mono amps driven by SP-8 pre-amp. Don't let anyone fool you, that with ANY speaker system IT IS THE ELECTRONICS that will bring out the best of what the speaker offers. The audition of the 2 systems above compelled me to by the Vandersteen 2C's but I must say that since my electronics at the time didn't measure up to the above given I subsequently didn't get as good sound out of them. I love ARC with the Vandersteen. I haven't heard anything sound better, then again I don't think there is anything better than ARC electronics only as good as. Buy a good used ARC tube amp and forget about it. If you are going with solid state don't go on the cheap.
Osideffs Don't worry about the bottom end with an ARC just make sure you have enough power a Classic 60 or better yet if you can afford it the VT-100 will provide more than enough bass definition if not the pure slam of a good solid state amp. You will lose the presence and that brassy quality in the mids if you go solid state. However there are many that prefer that crisp definition that solid state provides even though the presence is more laid back and in my opinion ultimately unsatisfying. It is a question of taste and since you have a tube pre-amp I suspect a tube amp would work quite well.