Anyone else receive low offers right away ?

Seem like everytime i list something for sale i get offers within the first hour . They are hundreds less than asking price . Are people looking for flipping oppertunities here or what ? so annoying .
12-24-12: Maplegrovemusic
It is a waste of time

I'm certainly not defending their activity, but I would disagree that it is a waste of time. Obviously it is not or you would not be receiving these offers. I see it as another sign of the struggling economy. Some people will do anything to make a buck these days. I've had a large increase in door-to-door salesfolk in the last year or two as well. There are few real jobs out there any more, as more and more folks are fighting for table scraps.
It's sad, but it is what it is.
So what is a "lowball" really? If I offer you 200 bucks for your amp and the market reasonably indicates it's worth the $1K you are asking, that's one thing. It is quite another if I offer you 800 bucks, especially if the market indicates your asking price is a little on the high side. Maybe I just want to pay "market" or perhaps I want to negotiate something more reasonable. That doesn't make me a lowballer. While I'm sure that some buyers make ridiculous "offers", I'm also convinced that some sellers set prices which are unrealistic, invite offers and then become offended when an offer is made. The simple solution for sellers has already been mentioned...set a price and and put a 'buy it now' on the item. If you are not able or prepared to negotiate price, don't invite offers. Merry Christmas and cheers to all from Colorado.
Just ignore it ... what's the big deal and why take it personally? Everybody wants a STEAL. If they are serious, they will offer again or initate a conversation.

Several buyers ask why no counter when I never thought their initial offer was serious. Gave a FIRM counter and some accept it.
Ladies and Gents: It is the art of negotiation! Btw, it does not have to be a reseller who is offer a low price. I look at it this way: I walk to into a Car Dealership to buy a new car. She/He tells me the price, $30, 000. I listen to the pitch and then I say $20, 000! Why because it is a starting point and I need to give myself room to adjust. In either case, your complaints are laughable. Tantamount to the butcher complaining his apron is dirty with blood. It's the nature of sales. Take it or leave it.
12-24-12: Rebelindiskyz
Ladies and Gents: It is the art of negotiation! Btw, it does not have to be a reseller who is offer a low price. I look at it this way: I walk to into a Car Dealership to buy a new car. She/He tells me the price, $30, 000. I listen to the pitch and then I say $20, 000!

OK, would you listen to the pitch and then say $3000? Yes, that is how absurd some of these offers are. They don't offer you 60-80% of your asking price, I've had some offer 10-25% of my asking price. I've been buying and selling for over 10 years on Audiogon and over 20 years altogether, and there is no doubt in my mind that these silly offers have increased in the last few years.

I really don't mind, I don't get upset, I actually find a lot of them quite amusing. For me, it adds entertainment to what otherwise can become boring, ordinary exchanges.