Anyone else receive low offers right away ?

Seem like everytime i list something for sale i get offers within the first hour . They are hundreds less than asking price . Are people looking for flipping oppertunities here or what ? so annoying .
Being "thrifty" is maybe part of the reason they can afford to pay market prices but don't.

So I guess you condone this practice?

With all due respect, I don't think how much money you have should determine how much you pay for a particular piece of equipment. I think it's inherently in the best interest of the buyer to pay the least, and the seller to get the most. If you buy a car/food/house/etc, they don't ask for your income and price the item accordingly. I don't think you can get mad at somebody for not paying more than what everybody else pays, just because they have money. IMHO. Not priced accordingly to income or credit? The hell they aren't. Dealerships will work the price down as far as they can for a person with poor credit rather than someone willing to finance (to get a lower cost) then pay the loan off after the first payment, or pay cash like I always did. I had more than one salesman expect me to wait so that they could get the same car for a person with a history of late payments, and even admit to me that he'd get a better price than me just so they'd get a sale. I waited 5 minutes and walked off the lot and had 15 messages when I got home. I went elseware to buy the Cobra Mustang. Lowballers and bottom feeders will ask for anything they think they can get for free, just like a bum that is not willing to work. Doctors included.