Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter

OK I'm in the process of looking at a way to clean up my AC power. Like everything else there are tons of options. From my reading I have narrowed it down to Hydra, Bybee, and PS Audio. The PS Audio sounds nice in that it will regenerate "clean" power. I have heard people rave about the Hydra and Bybee V2 and I see they have the Stealth now.

Anyone have any experience they can share? My amps are 300B tube monoblocks. My front end is DAC and Music Server.
I look forward to hearing your impressions of the plasmatron. PM?
I have been talking with Chris of VH Audio, getting the lowdown --or what little they will tell about this bad boy! Hey, can't blame em for keeping its magic under wraps. But on the surface, it sounds kinda special.
Jallen, just FWIW but the big spike usually occurs when the power goes out, not when it comes back on. Its the same principle that makes the spark plugs run in a car.
PS Audio works at 8 bit, this gives it a mechanical sound and less musical. I use a Kemp Powersource+, this one always win from any PS Audio in tests in europe.
It does everything right what you would hope for. Even for the biggest poweramps. More drive and difinition in the lowest freq. The mids are more open, much sharper focus and more air around voices and instruments. This filter does also a lot for the sound. It becomes more musical and sounds more realistic. I do not know any filter which has this quality in imporving.
This weekend I will be traveling to a friends house to evaluate the PT3. We will be listening to Ypsilon preamp, CAT 200 wpc,monos and Berkeley DAC with TAD Reference speakers. Also evaluatimg at an Acapella/ Ypsilon system and a Legacy Whisper system. Should be exciting. I will keep you posted. I have only listened for 10 hours and loaned it to a dealer-friend and he heard it and bought one. They seem to be for real. We shall see how the test of time and rock to classical is perceived. All systems have the PT 3. Jallen

A few listening sessions are over. I will be listening more for the next several weeks and compiling them into a formal review to submit here. One thing for certain is that having TAD Reference with Ypsilon preamp/SME table/ Graham arm/ CAT monos, Berkeley/ Mac mini this is one of the finest systems I have heard at any price. The room is huge with a vaulted ceiling and the room is at least 600 square feet. The room is the size of the big demo rooms at the CES and RMAF shows. Cables were Synergestic with silver bullets. Full Synergestic room resonator treatment was also implemented. This set-up is an all out assault on high rez playback, a true "Reference" system if there ever was one. Worst part of the system? It wasn't mine, and winning the lotto isn't something I am planning around. I am grateful Nick is generous enough to let a group of philes hear a glimpse of Nirvana.
Regarding the conditioner, more time is needed before conclusions are reached. Jallen