what would you change if anything, in this set up?

here is my set up- Wondering if this all seems paired correctly to you guys and if there is any particular area I should consider to improve the set up. I am happy with the sound in general but sometimes I feel like it's lacking gain on the digital side of things (no issues with gain on vinyl AT ALL) and in general I feel it can lack the WOW factor I'd hoped for. I listen to a range of old and new rock: (Beatles/Stones/Radiohead/Tom Waits/Amy Winehouse

Integrated amp: Ayre AX-7E
Source 1: Turntable: Pro-Ject RPM 5.1 w/ Ortofon 2M blue cartridge
Source 2: MacBook Pro via USB to DAC
DAC: BelCanto 1.5 (connected via unbalanced RCA to int. amp)
Phone stage: Sutherland PH3D
Speakers: Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grand Symphony SE (connected w/ 'Transparent' speaker cable)

About 15x15
Wall opposite speakers is mirrored.
Wall to right of speakers is glass floor to ceiling.
Area Rug

Any general advice on speaker placement is also welcome. I have them approx. 6' apart, on either side of a fireplace. Slight toe-in. Speakers are about 10' away from my listening position.

Ok-that's it-
Thanks in advance for any input.
Hello,There are some good answers above.I was just wondering if you are listening thru Itunes? The BelCanto DACs have a reputation for good SQ.I have an older BC DAC 2 ,that sounds very good in my system.Playing thru Itunes sounds OK.The quality goes up quite a bit when I use Audirvana.I just finished a demo with the newest version of Amarra,and thought it sounded as good in a different way(really liked the EQ).Good luck and Happy New Year,Ray
I have very little space behind the speakers (due to room size/function). Less than a foot.... And thank you and everyone else for all the great insight!
Thanks Jeff- I know a superior CD player would make a big difference but I would love to hold onto the convenience of iTunes. So maybe an Ayre DAC (as someone mentioned) would be a good step in the right direction. Not in love with the Bel Canto anyway.... THANKS!
Yep- That was on the list of changes to make. Seems to be agreed across the board that balanced will improve the sound. I've heard a few arguments that it doesn't but mostly for it.