Manley NEO-Classic 250 vs 500


I want to buy Manley NEO-Classic 250 or 500 monos.
Which one is better?
They arrived and I am suprised they play on doffrent level then McIntosh 2301 and old Manley 240REF.I suppose is due to using KT90EH tubes which produce diffrent sound alltogether.It is brighter therefore more 3d sound,some recordings are not easy listening,for someone it is plus because it brings more resolution,it produce great bass and excellent PRAT!!!!!!Sounds very musical and alive.
I am auditioning Neo500 and it sounds wonderful. I don't have a chance to audition MC2301. It looks like you quickly went from Manley 500 to 2301. Could you explain why and describe differences between the two? Thanks.
Phoenixatdawn.Yes I have changed them very quickly.I am so happy with 2301,they sound awesome on all recordings regardless the style,so much more realism and sounding very natural with better...,well everything is better.I am not nervous anymore just enjoying music in a big style,check Audioaficionado forum(Zappadaddy).