New Amp for Maggie MMG's

Looking to purchase a new power amp to use with my MMG's. Looking for recommendations of those with experience with maggie's. Replacing a Unison Unico integrated.

For under $1000, my favorite amps for use with Magnepan speakers would be the McCormacks. In that price range, you should be able to pick up a used DNA-125, a DNA 0.5 deluxe, or perhaps a DNA rev B or C. All of those amps would also work fairly well if you went up to 1.6QRs or 1.7QR's in the future. I used a DNA 0.5 deluxe and DNA 1 deluxe amps for years with my 1.6QR's.
I had amazing enjoyment with the Behringer EP4000. They are around $400 but you are paying for braun, not beauty. I demoed it against the Emotiva XPA2, Arcam AVR600, Exposure 2010S2, Outlaw RR2150 and Cary SLI-80 all of which did not have the raw strength to make them open up the way the Behringer did. I have since upgraded to 1.6 and I miss the MMGs. They are great speakers. Maybe I'll switch back...